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Everything posted by 0park3r0

  1. Thanks for all the help! Problem has been solved & therefore thread can be closed. Thanks Again & Have a nice day
  2. Got it! Is there any other way to lose money! As I just want to confirm that it won't happen again. Thanks for all the info & have a nice day.
  3. Hey! I am doing Volcanion Quest, And I surrender a battle against a npc named 'Beach Boy Ben' and doing the same make me lose around 45k. Should I believe that the money will be retained back to me after the quest is completed? I am sorry for tagging you & try not to repeat the same. Thanks a lot for helping me out.
  4. Hello, As you being the community coordiantor, I request to answer this ASAP thats why tagging you @Noxious Can you pls tell me is surrender to a battle to npc deducts money? If yes, Kindly tell me all the possible ways to get a deduction in pokedollars! Thanks
  5. Thanks a lot! Really appreciated! Have a good day ahead!
  6. @Shaolan Can you please take a look! Thank you so much!
  7. Yea! I was buying coin capsule but buying the same again and again makes it conflict.
  8. I mistakely used coin capsule on Absell Rope .... I was buying Coin capsule to sell! Is there any possible way to get my coin credits back and remove 1 Absell rope, I have 2 in my inventory. Thanks!
  9. Relogging will help you with any conflict! If it was not creditted it will be creditted to you!
  10. Hello Guys, My Ingame Name is 0Park3r0, I am missing my Level 100 Wobbuffet. Please recover that for me! Thanks a lot.
  11. Starting offer : 100k Pokedollars Minimum bid : 50k Pokedollars Insta : 1m Pokedollars 24 Hours After Start! - CURRENCIES ACCEPTED - Pokedollars Reroll Ticket - 750k Nature Reroll - 375k Coin Capsule - 400k Rare Candy - 6.5k Pokemon: Pinsir (Epic) Good Luck Everyone! End: 19.11.2020 Link time left: https://countingdownto.com/?c=3324437
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