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Unowned last won the day on January 6 2022

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Advanced Trainer

Advanced Trainer (4/12)




Community Answers

  1. Hello @Lasthope4, Thank you for taking the time to make this report and apologies for the inconvenience. Unfortunately, this is a known bug caused by current Pokedex limitations, which make it impossible for Meowstic-F to have its own entry. Data is only registered for Espurr's evolution when it evolves into the male variant. Therefore, Meowstic's Pokedex data can only be acquired by evolving a male Espurr. We understand that this may be frustrating, but there is no further assistance we can provide you with at this time. We hope that a permanent fix to the issue will be implemented at some point in the future. If you wish to report anything else, feel free to create a new thread in the Bug Resolution Center. Thanks again and have a good day! Regards, Unowned
  2. Hello @Darkclown, Thank you for taking the time to report this issue and sorry for the inconvenience and the delay in getting back to you. Unfortunately, this is a known PvP bug that we have not yet been able to reproduce. It is possible that your opponent found a match against you and someone else at the same time, but that only one of the two battle windows was visible to that player, who could just select moves for the other, active battle. However, we still need as many pieces of information as you can provide us with in order to replicate this bug. Do you remember what happened right before that match? We are looking forward to your reply. Regards, Unowned
  3. Hello @Dabust, Thank you for taking the time to report this issue and sorry for any inconvenience that it may have caused. The bug was already forwarded to our Content Scripter team. It should now be fixed, so please try to interact with the Contest Judge one more time and let us know if the problem persists. If you wish to report another issue, feel free to create a new thread in the Bug Resolution Center. Thanks again and have a good day! Regards, Unowned
  4. Hello @Faris8010, Thank you for taking the time to report this issue and sorry for any inconvenience that it may have caused. The bug was already forwarded to our Content Scripter team and should now be fixed. Please try to interact with the Contest Judge one more time and let us know if you encounter any more bugs. If you wish to report a separate problem, feel free to create a new thread in the Bug Resolution Center. Thanks again and have a good day! Regards, Unowned
  5. Hello @Boltoi, Thank you for taking the time to make this report. The behavior that you are describing sounds normal. Because the trainer spotted you before the disconnection, the battle that was initiated counted as a loss. You should be able to battle that trainer again in a week. I hope this clears things up. If you wish to report another problem, feel free to create a new thread in the Bug Resolution Center. Thanks again and have a good day! Regards, Unowned
  6. Hello @Ursleepkiller, Thank you for taking the time to report this issue and sorry for any inconvenience that it may have caused. There is currently no sprite for the item S Snom Hat. The issue has been forwarded to our Developers and will hopefully be fixed soon. We appreciate your patience in the meantime. If you wish to report a different bug, please feel free to create a new thread in the Bug Resolution Center. Thanks again and have a good day! Regards, Unowned
  7. Hello @Arsazel, In order to learn Happy Hour, Magikarp must not have its Hidden Ability, Rattled, because the move was only made available to Swift Swim Magikarp for the opening of the Pokémon Center Hiroshima. This is why Happy Hour is incompatible with Rattled Magikarp and Moxie Gyarados. I hope I was able to clear things up. If you wish to report another issue, feel free to create a new thread in the Bug Resolution Center. Thank you and have a good day! Regards, Unowned
  8. Hello @Jueviolegrac3, As this is a duplicate thread, I will lock it and redirect you to the answer I gave you in the other thread you made. Thanks again and have a good day! Regards, Unowned
  9. Hello @Jueviolegrac3, The behavior that you are describing is normal. If a Pokemon affected by Entrainment is switched out, it regains its original Ability. This is also the case for other Ability-changing moves, such as Role Play, Skill Swap, and Worry Seed. I hope I was able to clear up any confusion regarding this situation. If you wish to report a bug, feel free to create a new thread in the Bug Resolution Center. Thanks again and have a good day! Regards, Unowned
  10. Unowned

    mega stone

    Hello @Dobuko, Thank you for the reply. We will continue to investigate the issue and will update you once we manage to locate it. As we have limited information to work with, this may take some time. We appreciate your patience in the meantime. We also encourage anyone else who may have encountered this issue to reach out with additional details that may be useful. Regards, Unowned
  11. Unowned

    mega stone

    Hello @Dobuko, Thank you for taking the time to report this issue. Would you be able to give us any additional information about what happened before you noticed two Scizorites in your inventory? Did you lend or borrow a Scizor at any point? Was this maybe caused by an untimely server crash? Any help would be much appreciated. We are looking forward to hearing from you. Regards, Unowned
  12. Hello @Ashren, Thank you for your report. Based on the screenshot you posted, it looks like Landorus may have fainted due to Rocky Helmet, in which case this behavior would be intended. If the Knock Off user faints due to the target's Ability (Rough Skin or Iron Barbs) or item (Rocky Helmet), it cannot remove the target's held item. This would explain why Zapdos retained its Rocky Helmet. If this is not the scenario that happened, please let us know. If you wish to report something else, you may create a new thread in the Bug Resolution Center. Thank you and have a good day! Regards, Unowned
  13. Hello @Stevenkhai9610, Thank you for taking the time to report this issue and sorry for any inconvenience that it may have caused. This is a known visual bug with multi-strike moves. They effectively hit the target 5 times, but the animation only occurs 3 times when the battle chat does not show an individual message for each hit. The bug was already forwarded to our Developers and will hopefully be fixed soon. We appreciate your patience in the meantime. If you wish to report a different issue, please feel free to create a new thread in the Bug Resolution Center. Thanks again and have a good day! Regards, Unowned
  14. Hello @Osqiir93, Thank you for taking the time to report this issue and sorry for any inconvenience that it may have caused. After investigating your report, we discovered that Unaware isn't currently ignoring Attack changes caused by moves like Swords Dance. The bug has been forwarded to our Developers and will hopefully be fixed soon. If you wish to report a different issue, please feel free to create a new thread in the Bug Resolution Center. Thanks again and have a good day! Regards, Unowned
  15. Hello @Yamee, Thank you for taking the time to report this issue and sorry for any inconvenience that it may have caused. The bug was forwarded to our Content Scripter team and should now be fixed. If you are still unable to progress, please let us know. If you wish to report a different bug, you may create a new thread in the Bug Resolution Center. Thanks again and have a good day! Regards, Unowned
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