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  1. :kiss:
  2. do you know how Guild ladder points works?? if 2 members fought each other one will rise the other one will drop points. and most gmates are playing the same timezone. its so uneasy shouting to guildchats "oist!! please wait after me, I'm on searching pvp". You cant do that every time in a 75/75 members. :confused: hope you get my point.
  3. We want to have an guild events where we run our own ladder. of course it's easier to manage that event if you can see the rankings of your guildmates I believe it is good way to encourage them do pvp.
  4. just want to suggest these: 1. don't let guildmates battle in PVP. I have lots of MMORPG's never seen one where guildmates battle in a pvp. 2. I hope we can see each other (guildmates) pvp points in the guild tab. 3. PLease make the scroll bar of a little bigger so hard to click/hold it specially in android. That's all. Thanx! More power PRO!! :y: :kiss:
  5. you need a ms guys in site. don't waste your time smashin without it
  6. I want to suggest to have a mid headgear like the sunglasses or a mask. hats should be a top headgear. So we can wear a hat + a glasses together. I know this one is not a priority these days but admit it dressing your toon is one of the most interesting part of this game. :Shy:
  7. Re: Trained impish Gligar h.a. <t>bump!</t>
  8. hi, may I ask if Hidden Power here is always 60 base power just like the description of it in GEN 6 bulbapedia?
  9. I do trade in Kanto Region only. I can give discounts just leave your offer below. Will do the trading immediately when I'm online. Thanks and Regards to all!</B><B> IGN: Wonderweiss MACHOP 1 = 250K MACHOP 2 = 200K PINECO 1 = 120K PINECO 2 = 150K PINECO 3 = 150K RHYHORN = 150K SEWADDLE = 180K
  10. the problem starts when you jump to johto without preparation. no one forces you to play johto immediately after you finish kanto. I suggest prepare everything you might need in johto like pokedollars, tm's(dig, rock smash, headbutt, etc), pokeballs, potions (lemonades or fresh water), revive, berrries and don't forget those held items specially leftovers.
  11. me too. my weavile didn't know beat up move :Angry:
  12. did you get the key in the cinnabar mansion?
  13. we never think that way. been playing lots of online games and half of them has been down without no clear reason. and it's just fine to me. there still many other games on web just waiting for you to log in.
  14. check this out! Bookmark it! https://project-sato.net/statuschecker/
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