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About Strangehearts23

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  1. Wtb a weedle spd 31 and atk 25+ Jolly Discord: strangehearts#9641 Ign: strangehearts23 Or reply here only
  2. Bruh can you make a logo?
  3. Wtb ada abra sync for 25k
  4. Dragonite Insta: 1m Min bid: 400k End: 48hours after 1st bid You can bid here or ingame: strangehearts23
  5. Hello, I want a logo maker guy to make me a logo for in game guild, if you are one plz reply below My budget is 100k
  6. welcome to STRANGE TRADING CO. SYNC SHOP Discord : 𝕿𝖚𝖘𝖍𝖆𝖗🎗𝖌𝖔𝖋𝖋𝖎𝖈𝖎𝖆𝖑#9641 Hello guys welcome to new initiative of strange trading company, the sync shop you will get the syncs you want at a acceptable price, the pricelist will be reflected below and we will have many offers coming up so be tuned and follow us!! PRICELIST: * JOLLY,ADAMENT AND TIMID, COST 9K EACH. *BOLD AND MODEST COST 8K EACH. *ALL OTHER SYNCS COST 7K EACH. As a christmas offer if you buy any 2 sync you will get 1.5k total discount on total price*. NOTE: *all syncs are natu *some syncs are already sold out so they will be available from monday. * i will reply ok and and give timings if available or i will reply wait if its not available. FORMAT TO BE FOLLOWED IN THE REPLY FOR REQUESTING A SYNC> ign: type of sync: PLEASE NOTE THAT ALL SYNCS ARE TRADED FROM VERMILLION POKEMON CENTER AND YOU WILL RECIVE THE POkEMON FROM THE ACC > Drstrange23 and if you can't come there you need to pay extra 1k for delivery if far away or if near towns free. plz read everything before you request ^_^ ***THANK YOU*** happy christmas from strange trading co.
  7. Guys someone solve this
  8. Bro I would like to buy plz come to vermi tomorrow at 10 am in pc my in game name is strangehearts23
  9. Bro I would like to buy plz come to vermi tomorrow at 10 am in pc my in game name is strangehearts23
  10. Bro i have donfan you want I am at ceru
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