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  1. I was able to receive the ticket from the cultist. Thank you very much for the fast help.
  2. I lost Progress during the last WQ. The lost estimated Contribution was something like 0,4 % and after that i contributed 0,16% to see if it would add up (which it did not). If I understood AlCedo Announcement right i should be able to claim a ticket. The Cultist said he didnt need my assistance and didnt gave me a ticket. Did i miss something? Thanks for the help in Advance.
  3. Hey, i like the approach to the game you guys are presenting and would like to join. My IGN is Djbanane. Discord Tag would be: DJBanane#9234
  4. Sorry to bother you, when i logged in and checked my box, i saw that one of my poke was missing. The Chat brought to my attention that i could have accidentally deleted it. It was a level 95 or 96 Raichu, should have been mild with 31 in def iv. I know its not much compared to the others here but i dont have any good poke right now and need it to progress. (Silver Server) Thanks
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