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Rookie Trainer

Rookie Trainer (2/12)



  1. Played a game, when game starts that weird code appeared then I click knockoff and kill a jirachi when it shows opponent has a kyurem Before this game I played a game and I had to log off mid game in front of a kyurem when i join the next game it shows that opponent has a damaged kyurem before the game even started but it was the kyurem from previous match some how showing instead of jirachi Ig name: katawaredokifan
  2. Starmie sold for: agreed price whit customer
  3. Accept rr 700k Charizard: 2m Starmie: 1m Hawlucha: 500k Amoongus: 900k All prices are negotiable and can be discussed
  4. Looking to get 3m, In case of it not selling in few days it will be set in an auction not long after.
  5. If by mistake doin storia service i get banned for mass account, i will get unbanned right? Cause its not an account of mine
  6. Is it legal to do story/region Service??
  7. 1m negotiable Feel free to send offers
  8. Wanna place your sticky webs straight up flexing? This is the poke for you im looking for offers, imma review them tomorrow and ill pm you if I accept your offer. Ty everyone who partecipate
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