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Newbie Trainer

Newbie Trainer (1/12)



  1. Start: 1.2m Raise: 200k Insta: 2m End auction: 29/08 24pm (EU)
  2. Sorry for wrong section. GD. UP!
  3. naive gastly 31/31 start: 1.2m Raise: 200k Insta: 2.8m Gastly timid 31/30 Start 1.5m Raise: 250k Insta 3.2m Start 26/08 02:51 am End 28/08 24:00 pm (EU).
  4. houndoom x2Ninetless x1leafeon x1sylveon x1 All are sparkly, 700k each
  5. Start 400 sassy
  6. Wanna buy or now?
  7. oh ok, but can I transfer a single Pokémon? or do I have to transfer the entire account? if i only have to transfer a single Pokémon, what can i do? do I always have to transfer it to my account in gold?
  8. it can be done? I am selling from silver... let me know
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