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About Sammdoun

  • Birthday 05/11/1989

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  • Career
    Network engineer
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  • Occupation
    Network engineer

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Newbie Trainer

Newbie Trainer (1/12)



  1. Hi, I would like to suggest a new NPC : couterpart trader to help the collector to have all the pokemon. This trader will trade for exemple 3 coummon chrismas pokemon for one coummun chrismas pokemon that you choose ; 5 common summer pokemon for one rare summer pokemon .... with the obligation that the pokemon to trade must be all owned by the player
  2. Thank you for the guide, it helps a lot !
  3. Hello guys, I am offering daycare service Lvl service under 50 : 250 each lvl 50-90 : 2K each lvl 90-95 : 3K each lvl 95-100 : 5K each lvl Ev service : 30 K You can contact me on forum or in game or in discord name : sammdoun
  4. 1. What's your Player name (IGN)? sammdoun 2. Number of hours played? 3148 hour 3. What's your favorite Pokemon? Charizard / Darkrai 4. What country are you from? Tunisia 5. How old are you? 30 6. When's your Birthday? (Optional) 11 Mai
  5. thanks it evo normally yesturday ( lvl up + razor fang + night) Thanks for your support
  6. It's night; my gligar hold a razo fang. I leveled it 3 time but still did not evolve to gliscor
  7. Sammdoun


    Back at time, i loved the map in kanto and johto Then it came hoen . it's true that there is a map but some area are not clear. But no map for sinnoh Can you add sinnoh map plus other places map?
  8. Sammdoun

    PRO Wiki.

    good :) i hope it will finish soon ;) (i can help if you want)
  9. Re: Ingame BOSS [NEED INFORMATION BOSS DEADPOOL and MESTREPOKEMON in LAVENDERTOWN!!] <t>OFFICIER WARGREYMON new team update 17/07<br/> Luxray, Lucario, Mega Altaria, Aggron, Ninetales, Sceptile</t>
  10. Sammdoun

    new mount

    if it's possible to have rapidash and luxyru mount on land and milotic / vaporeon / gyarados mount for water and maybe wailord and mantine for dive in hoen
  11. Blue Bird and specially this : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H_4thS1E1cA :Heart-eyes:
  12. i would say saitama but after i watch the last episode i think goku will win
  13. it's a good anime (y)
  14. HxH, Naruto, Detective Conan and Death Note
  15. Re: WIP: Christmas Pokemon Images (Pokemon-following pictures added!) <t>thanks for the image :)</t>
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