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  1. Hi @Epithet, here are some screenshots of the PRO discord right after the crash at 2.29pm February 1 (GMT +8) which is equivalent to 6.29am (GMT +0). I played this in the Gold Server, IGN is Tronn01.
  2. Hi is there an update to this thread?
  3. Hi @Epithet, I believed that is 6.29 am (gmt+0) 1st of February. The image above stated for me to return to the boss at 11 days 23 hours right after the crash.
  4. Server crashed when I was fighting against Pewdie Boss (was at Jirachi). The server crashed at 2.29pm February 1 (GMT+8) for me. Also ruined my victory streak of 1. Attached a screenshot of the stated boss cooldown for pewdie.
  5. U can't lower the insta price after the auction is started... @Hawluchaamaybe u can take a look at this if it is appropriate or not.
  6. Hey man, not bidding here, but I thought you need to upload a screenshot of the bid mentioned here according to the forum rules.
  7. Proof of the exchange made between me and @Jorogumo. Thread can be closed.
  8. Noted, thanks can message me again when u are online.
  9. Noted, thanks. Current Offer: 6.2m, End in 15 minutes
  10. Ok noted thanks, current offer: 5.85m, end in 25 minutes time.
  11. Ok noted thanks, Current Offer: 5.6m,. Ending in 31 minutes
  12. Ok noted, thanks. Current Offer: 5.4m. Ending in about 4 hours time.
  13. Ok noted. Current Offer: 4.5m
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