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  1. wtb halloween xmas ralts trace wtb char hallow pvpable pm me here or discord @KUMAKYU#9841
  2. As the title says, for the future I'd like to suggest adding a boss pokemon it's either for all players or for guild only. I don't think it will be possible but it will be good, just wanna make suggestions to make the game more exciting. But if it possible we can wait i know it would be great. The boss pokemon will have tons of hp and high stats but second turner for us to make some damage, but only need to bring 1 pokemon with you. now what happens if you black out ? you'll gain like world boss shop currency based on your percentage damage on the boss pokemon and you go back to the starting point and you can battle again. And also it'll be good if the final damager or sends the last hit will receive a re-roll iv for bonus. (for world /server boss only not for guild boss) like the photo below this 60000000 thing is just an example. At the end of the event, you'll receive the world boss currency based on your damage percentage and you can exchange it for pokemon items or other stuff. Photo not mine, ctto.
  3. Starting offer: 1M min bid 150k. Insta: 4m Start after first bid 3days accept: cc 400k rr 700k reply here or dc Grey#9841
  4. Interested pm me in discord Grey#9841
  5. Starting offer: 200k Min: 50k Insta: 1.2m Auction will end exactly 24 hrs after the first bid.
  6. HI WELCOME all mons are for sale cash or nature reroll (350k) 300k each 350k 450k 800k Thank you just pm me here or comment.
  7. Cutiefly price?
  8. Can you make shoes running like naruto but can be considered as mounts, perfect for akatsuki robes and many more like this just a suggestion it doesn't need to be perfect like that gif but i'll be the happiest player in pro if this would come out.
  9. Looking for xmas mareep modest rip speed, epic or decent. pm me here thanks.
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