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Everything posted by Boobik

  1. 70k for shuppet
  2. 1.1m for chnsey and 800k for conkeldur
  3. Hi hp c3 and c5 ?
  4. hi i want sell mimikyu hp poison start offer: 500k min bid: 100k insta 2.5m accept nature rr 350k cc 350k iv rr 750k cash ;] in game : Boobik my discord : Boobik#1047 the auction lasts 24 hours from now gl;]
  5. Hi i dont rember who want sell porygon2 in game 2 days Ago for 3m pla write Here or my discord: Boobik#1047 in game:Boobik looking for porygon2 bold trance 20+all thank You
  6. My discord: Boobik#1047 in game: Boobik i from silver server seartch porygon 20+
  7. Starting Offer is 150k Minimum Bid set to 50k Insta Price ---- Ends 48 hours Accepting: Cash CC as 400k Nat RR 350k IV RR 700k RC 8k my discord: Boobik#1047 ingame: Boobik hp:grass GL
  8. Write me Here, in game : Boobik or discord : Boobik#1047 All tentacool/cruel : MALE normal i seartch all iv 20+ thank You
  9. Buy telepathy ability poke dont care stats lv100
  10. Starting Offer is 800k Minimum Bid set to 100k Insta Price is 1.6m Ends 48 hours after first bid Accepting: Cash CC as 400k Nat RR 350k IV RR 700k RC 8k my discord: Boobik#1047 ingame: Boobik Gengar hp: ground if no one starts the license within 3 hours from now, the auction will be canceled due to lack of bids Good luck
  11. I'm sorry please, my discord Bobik # 1048 we will agree later in the game or write, thank you rules.. r
  12. the auction lasts 96 hours I placed my first bid on Friday 9:29 am last Tuesday 9:28 1.6m auction ended and I won the end of time
  13. in my opinion, it's been 42 minutes from now! 9:29 should end
  14. just sold in-game I forgot to take a photo from the sale, sorry, subject closed
  15. wts S haunter HP poison price : 450k (last price) nick in game : Boobik discord: Boobik#1047 Which payments I accept? Pokedollars Coin Capsules: 400k rare candy 6k gl<
  16. Hi, do you have a photo of what this mask looks like?
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