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Everything posted by Ebo

  1. i need an immediate explanation how come the random battle full of bugs and full of un explainable things like 1- dito transform dosnt work when my opponent used sub and 2- the unusual team mix for example 5 fire type Pokemon against 1 water type (insta win for my opponent ) 3- as you can see in this pic i used rapid spin and didn't worked
  2. Ebo


    yes most likely .. so its not bug i guess
  3. Ebo


    is this normal?? how can garchomp fainted from thunder?
  4. its ok bro i can try again later
  5. S.o 1M min bid 200k insta 6M 48h auction Accept poke dollar Accept rr ivs 700k rr nature 350k cc 400k rc 8k
  6. i will .. thank you
  7. yes it does thank you Epithet but about the list .. shouldn't be more controllable by players? .. i mean it would be nice if i can remove or add some one just by clicking in the list .. just a suggestion and thank you again Epithet
  8. hi there i was trying to remove someone from my ignored list but i couldn't .. and the only way i can remove a player from the list is by clicking on the name of the last player in the list and remove it and then remove names backwards till i get the name i want to remove .. is there a command or something i can do without removing my whole list just for one name
  9. "pure honesty" not the problem .. maybe some players dont like honesty but they accept it in the end .. the problem is who decide the honesty .. players?..staffs?.. i mean if i got banned for some reason (and that happened to my friend) and he was full honest but the mod just closed the topic and banned him for life!.. so now tell me who decide the honesty here?
  10. now i understand why Q8 quoted me and deleted it .. ty
  11. i didn't understand you clearly but ty for responding
  12. just to make thing clear my friend i dont have any personal problem with any mod in PRO .. actually i like most of the mods in this game and if i meet one in real life i might buy him/her some coffee but about the game 99% of the players here playing in other online games so i think we all have an opinion based in our experience and thats my opinion there so if it looks bad i apologize but thats how i feel! .. with all respect some time i feel like there is a real gab between mods and players
  13. thats exactly what i was talking about just one look at this post and the comments and you will see how much is the gab between the people who in charge and the players the mods only answering some players but not all the players! even if the post had (10-20) comments only and even if the comment was something simple or small question .. so its not about the game but the people who run the game just dont listen or maybe ignoring the players i dont know why and i dont care no more .. i only care about one thing .. you have a great game here dont destroy it by destroying the community with behaviors like that
  14. Hi there i think we all agreed that we are here to have fun and at the same time we want healthy community the relationship between the players and staffs are part of this community so you must chose your staffs carefully my suggestion to you is making evaluation that allow us to evaluate the staffs every month in the end of every season and the one who get a low rate should be replaced .. you have to make balance between the staffs and the players but in fact you dont you just gave the staffs the power to do every thing they want without the ability to make an objection and btw your hole appeal system need to changed so we can have a fair discussion .. otherwise the problems between players and staffs will stay the same or maybe will get worse in future
  15. Amrai win the Auction plz pm me so we can trade
  16. thank you so much Exotyc
  17. this my shiny scyther i released by mistake and its gonna be sold in auction here on trader fourm so plz help me get back
  18. hey there some times before i copy any thing i want to post on trade chat or any chat the client crashes like if i want to post (wts [poke] 120k) and i want to copy it the crash happens .. i dont know if this a bug or my pc but i am sure my pc is ok if any one have an explanation plz write it in comment
  19. hey .. only poke dollars and the things written in the post above
  20. already started but you can raise
  21. auction started at 2:41 PM +3 GMT >> ends at 5th June 2021 2:41 PM +3 GMT
  22. S.o 5m min bid 500k insta 20m 48h auction Accept poke dollar Accept rr ivs 800k rr nature 400k cc 400k rc 9k
  23. oh now i understand ty again @Tinvinn your answer helped me a lot to understand the new updates
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