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Everything posted by Crazymad

  1. Hey I'm online atm in vermi pc
  2. 1m Marowak
  3. @Williwucongratulations! You won with 3m4 . I'm online now in vermi pc
  4. C.o 3m2 . 2hr left !! Ends at 3:00pm gmt +05:30
  5. s.o- 3m min bid- 200k insta- 6m auction ends in 6hrs from start. good luck guys
  6. @Bagheeravcongratulations! you won by 600k timid hp fire pull magnezone. i'm online atm .
  7. @Darklight0c.o is 600k so u need to bid higher than that , don't do nuisance.
  8. last 3hrs and 45mins left !!
  9. auction started at 4:45 pm gmt +5:30 , end in 24hrs at same time tomorrow.
  10. hello and welcome back to MaD's auction, today's poke is hp fire pull max speed magnezone. s.o- 600k min bid- 50k insta- 2m 24hrs auction from start. good luck guys
  11. @Dangerheadcongratulations! you won charmander by 600k, i'm online atm
  12. auction started at 11:10pm gmt +05:30 , ends tomorrow at same time .
  13. Hello and welcome back to mad's auction , today's intresting poke is timid 25+ charmander s.o- 600k min bid- 100k insta- 4m ends in 24hrs from start good luck guys
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