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Everything posted by Verioox

  1. true +1
  2. its worth to wait for this little demon ^^
  3. Alright thank you noted + added countdown gl
  4. 300k 300k 300k 750k 550k 27+ 1m 27+ bulk / 19 sp.att hp ice 1.5m 28+ 1.5m 21+ 600k +30 bulk 29 sp.att start offer: 4m min raise 250k ends 3 days after first bid
  5. 4,25m from Vivekjha
  6. 600k for that kommo-o
  7. i can do an auction if you want 3days auction s.o 5m you want?
  8. start
  9. if u want i can do a new post a auction 3 days auction start offer 5m
  10. Highest offer was 8m yet
  11. bumb
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