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Everything posted by Niarm

  1. 1.6m, I'll transfer if needed
  2. ended @Yakim wins with best offer 1.9m contact me ingame or discord SourCreamCake#1791
  3. c.o. 1.9m by Yakim
  4. c.o. 1.8m by Toutin1756
  5. +1 hope this worked upon
  6. Starting offer= 1m min bid= 50k no insta ends in 24hours after first bid
  7. Fire: Fenniken Water: Froakie Grass: Rowlet
  8. espeon abra ralts
  9. Hello, I'm auctioning this epic magneton start- 1.5m min bid- 200k no insta Ends in 48 hours after 1st bid. Accepted payments: CoinCapsule- 400k IV reroll ticket- 700k Pokedollars
  10. Hello, while having random battles I encountered a small bug due to which a Pokemon already statused sleeps if yawn was used previous turn. These attached files will clarify this more.
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