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Everything posted by Gh0st2602

  1. https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/forum/221-2fa-email-recover-assistance/ create a post in there.
  2. Trading between characters is only possible if we can open two characters of the same account at the same time, which will also allow us to hunt with more than one character. We need to find an alternative for this.
  3. ye solved my bad xd
  4. nvm got it i can change it to normal sry for the trouble
  5. and about my second question can you look into it too
  6. .
  7. Ruined Well goodbye
  8. up
  9. 600k breloom
  10. Hi! So I was testing these xmas charizard chroma on my mount and realised that we can't remove the chroma skin once we painted it :d and I like the normal xmas mega charizard x mount than the chroma one. Can I get my normal mount back somehow? And also one of my pokemon is missing its a 100lvl dragonite ada ha, ot is immortalrager. Can I know who has it right now
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