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Everything posted by Ocl

  1. This cofag is estimated 1~1.5m,and I m selling it for 1m only! (01 speed is best for cofag for trick room team) Accepted payment methods : Cash Cc=390k Rr=720k Dm OCL#2172 on discord if u r interested in buying it
  2. Need heracross 150k, already added u on discord I m OCL#2172
  3. Dratini mount Shiny dratini mount event dratini mount dratini hat shiny dratini hat event dratini hat dratini mask shiny dratini mask event dratini mask (I love dratini)
  4. people sometimes catch a very good ivs pokemon but with bad nature, this will make the players feel very bad as they can't change nature unless it is legendary. To be honest, i caught an ada all 25+ larvesta today, and I felt very bad and though to leave the game before i calmed down. Hunting take a lot of time and it will be disappointing if nature rr is not usable on normal pokemon
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