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Everything posted by Jinkslit

  1. 15min extension
  2. You won medi
  3. Bump less than 9 hours on meditite less than 10 hours on greninja
  4. 9 hours and 16 min
  5. bump
  6. noted.
  7. no thx
  8. S.O: 1m Min Bid: 100k No Insta Accepted Payments: Cash, CC (410kea), IV RR (500kea) Time Duration: 72h after start
  9. This is not a bundle Discord: JinksLIT#6809 S.O: 1m Min Bid: 100k No Insta Accepted Payments: Cash, CC (410kea), IV RR (500kea) Time Duration: 72h after start HP Dragon S.O: 1m Min Bid: 100k No Insta Accepted Payments: Cash, CC (410kea), IV RR (500kea) Time Duration: 72h after start HP Electric S.O: 500k Min Bid: 100k No Insta Accepted Payments: Cash, CC (410kea), IV RR (500kea) Time Duration: 72h after start
  10. What server you on m8? You won the other bid was late.
  11. bump 13h and 30min remain
  12. S.O: 300k Min Bid: 50k No Insta Accepted Payments: Pokedollars, CC(400k ea), IV RR (500k) Time Duration: 48h after start Discord: JinksLIT#6809
  13. Yea, my group got it. Amin doing exams right now. Thought i would reply for you, so you're not waiting.
  14. FOR ALL ACCEPT CC AS 400K, IV REROLL 500K AND $ ONLY Tyranitar S.O 15M, Min bid 500k, Auction Duration of 3 days after 1st bid Choice Band Set Alakazam S.O 1.2M, Min bid 100k, Auction Duration of 3 days after 1st bid Mega or Focus Sash Set Golem S.O 500k, Min bid 100k, Auction Duration of 3 days after 1st bid Stealth Rocks and Explosion Set Shiftry S.O 3M, Min bid 100k, Auction Duration of 3 days after 1st bid Max Speed HP Fire Golduck S.O 500k, Min bid 100k, Auction Duration of 3 days after 1st bid Rain Gastrodon and Swampert Counter
  15. bump reduced some prices
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