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Empirebank's Achievements

Newbie Trainer

Newbie Trainer (1/12)



  1. We are recruiting experienced PvP players. Players that are new to PvP and looking for improvement, a PvE guild and an active community are welcome to apply to our new second guild PvEmpire, same guild, same benefits, except guild island which isnt great anyway. We will be doing a hunting event for the summer event when it drops. All applications within the last month have been answered.
  2. Recruitment has opened again
  3. 600k
  4. LOOKING FOR STRONG PVPERS! PM US! c0mp#1845 | Gal1leo#0056
  5. Noted. Thanks for applying!
  6. bump, looking for strong pvpers
  7. Bump, looking for new recruits, must have discord.
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