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Posts posted by Shadowdanny

  1. 1 hour ago, CapriFame said:

    The only time when I had issues with staff was when one of my guild members was banned for ranked boosting investigation bcs she forfeited against a team that was completely countering hers 3 times in a row (why can we q against the same person 3 times in a row in the first place is still weird).


    The responsible Staff was busy in irl then and it took over 3 weeks to get a reply on her appeal. 


    This is why i think we could really use 2 things;


    1) make it possible for another staff to "take over" a case after x days (maybe 5?) and especially when its known the responsible staff is busy irl

    2) make it so that you cant re-q into the same person in ranked


    to the felix topic: I like Felix, I think he makes harsh but also necessary decisions for the game and he is not bad at all. Yes some bans are and will always be unjustified but I doubt he does ban people on purpose bcs it means he has to read all ur appeals and work more, idk if thats worth your time just to "establish dominance" over a player...


    If people dont follow the rules they get banned, if you got banned it is your fault in the first place and not the moderator abusing his powers.

    This and everything you have said is just facts, apart Qeight tho... Yes what you said is correct, but that harshness rubes people the wrong way and thats why everything is like this.

  2. 6 minutes ago, Ehkoe said:

    I've noticed a couple recurring questions with no answer regarding ban processes. I'm sure Keita will also reply later, and to the other questions also, but as a GM who has left relatively recently, I'd like to shed some light on these ones.



    Hi @Ishan2020


    There are typically 3 "kinds" of ban reason - Attempted, Successful and Investigation. Attempted and Successful ban reasons have enough supporting evidence for Moderation to make a call without any dependency on further investigation from the player. 


    The Investigation ban reason is usually given for 1 of 2 reasons (or both in some cases):


    1. To remove an immediate threat from the account/game.

    A TMOD example of this is if an account is suspected to have been hacked, it will be banned immediately for investigation and to create a line of contact with account owner (if they weren't already aware of the risk) to ensure they reset the password before continuing to play. This also protects the account from any more damage, if there was any, and the risk of irreversible damage.

    2. Not all evidence/details can be found without speaking to the player directly. This means the investigation/evidence at the time of banning is not complete.

    In some cases, you will need to speak to the player directly to confirm aspects of the story. This is especially common in Rank Boosting and Scams, so I'll give examples of those.


    To give a couple examples in relation to Rank Boosting - if an account is shared and it is unclear if the infraction was made by the account owner or another player whilst using the account, or multiple players play from the same internet connection, etc. This may also happen in Boosting where a player chooses to accept a battle from a player on the same IP (not against the rules but recommended against because it will be investigated), a guildie, or seems to be boosting/boosted by a specific player - given the data Staff use to investigate, it is very hard to concretely determine the intent of these matchups, and often has to be clarified verbally with all involved players.


    An example of where this would happen in a Scam case, quite often players don't agree all aspects of the trade agreement upfront (this is why there was new trade rules added, and existing trade rules were given extra details). An extremely common example is when the duration of a lend hasn't been specified, from the reported evidence, it's clear that both players understand that it is a lend, but maybe the lendee has now had it for 2 weeks and the lender feels that is excessive and they want it back. The lendee will be banned for investigation, to determine whether they were just keeping the Pokemon for an extended amount of time, were too busy to return it, just plainly forgot etc, or if their intention was to steal and keep the Pokemon for good - this would not be possible without a line of communication to the player.




    Hi @8294ayush


    For your questions 1 and 2 - firstly, I apologise if you have ever felt that your appeal process has taken longer than necessary, especially if it was as excessive as 25 days. 


    There are a lot of reasons for this, but there are 3 big ones that I will share with you.


    The first being that the ban issued was an Investigation ban - more detail on this is in my response to Ishan2020 above - but in short, if there is adequate evidence to suggest an immediate risk to an account or the game, the bulk of the investigation will take place after the ban, since in a high risk case the priority is to reduce the amount of damage and to prevent as much irreversible damage as possible.

    Depending on the case, the amount of time this takes varies - I have personally worked on Account Hack or RMT cases that have taken over a week (where a huge number of accounts were involved), meaning that all of my other work backs up too in the meantime. Which leads me onto the second reason: that there is something higher priority going on, again, this happens in cases where there is an immediate risk or threat to an account or the game. Staff workloads aren't publicly available for the community to see, but to put it clearly, if I am made aware that there is a mass account hack happening, I will drop everything I am working on to remove any immediate risks, then I will pick up my normal workload again after.

    Quite simply, sometimes there is just something more important and demands the time and attention, and I wish there was enough time or number of hands to prevent it having a huge knock on effect, which leads me onto my third reason: is that sometimes there just isn't enough hours in the day, or enough staff members to do the job. Prior to Jhizen joining the team, and Qeight returning, for a good deal of time the GM team consisted of just me and Senrosia. I'm sure you may roll your eyes when you read this, but this reason is given often because it's true: all staff members volunteer, they're not paid, staff do this outside of real life commitments, and real life will come first. Despite knowingly signing up for this work, the amount can be too much for the size of the Moderation team.

    I'll use myself as an example here to explain more clearly. Outside of PRO, I work a full-time job. There are some days I would only have had 1-2 hours available to spend on PRO, so I would spend this time doing the higher priority things first, which means that the number of cases I had but also the amount of time since I had last dealt with a particular case both increase, at one point I had 120+ active (by active I mean current and waiting on reply) cases - even if I had given each 10 minutes a day (which often isn't enough), that was a minimum of 20 hours worth of work, and it's not like once you've spent those 10 minutes that it's done for good and off your plate, the player replies, you investigate their reply, etc, it's a cycle until the case is closed, and if I only have 1-2 hours each day from Monday-Friday, that's an impossible workload to manage that is fair to everyone, and that's just appeals alone. Now I understand this is an extreme example, coming from a former GM who at the time was part of a team of two people - but the reality I want to share is that if the staff member has the time, they will give you the time, if they don't, they won't have it to give.


    The only real fix for these problems is to have more staff members, but this is not as easy as it sounds. You must find people who are skilled, willing and are doing it for the right reasons. The right reasons are important because being staff is stressful, and if you aren't motivated by the right things, you won't last more than a couple months. The number of good applications that fit this criteria is low. You must then train these individuals, and during this period this is often where Staff will find that maybe the Apprentice isn't suitable, or maybe the Apprentice decides that this isn't actually for them. 


    It is a known problem, however I would like to point out that the number of appeals that go more than a couple days without response are low, and it's usually GM/Admin cases that take the longest since those groups also have the most diverse roles with the most work to do, but are also the smallest teams because of the criteria to be promoted into one of these roles. I understand the frustration, but for the times response rates are an issue, there isn't a simple or quick fix.


    For question 3, again I apologise if you feel that this has happened to you. If you feel that a member of Moderation is being rude or unfair to you in your appeal, you can make a Complaint, where a Team Lead or Admin will review the behaviour of the mod and act accordingly. There is a line between being firm in order to find out the facts in a clear and concise way, and being rude. You absolutely shouldn't have to put up with the latter, even if you have broken the rules.


    I hope that this helps both of you and others with the same questions, but if it is unclear, or you have further questions you are more than welcome to ask.

    Edit: @ShadowDanny - I have just seen you have mentioned a couple of the points I have addressed above. I hope that this also helps you too, same goes for you if you have any questions you want to ask.

    Thank you for clearing that up, this is the type of transparency that I want to see, that staffs don't do often



    • I am not making this thread to hate/slander any staff in PRO, so please do not take this the wrong way
    • Please do not feel bad if you are the staff, that you know I am talking about. Its all for the well being of the game





    Alright, I am writing this thread, for obviously Player-Staff-Relationship!!... and well... things aren't looking too good for PRO at the moment.

    Player-Staff-Relationship?: Ok lets start off saying the PSR is not good in this game. I am not saying its terrible, but its not just good to put it nicely. Lets start off the with the facts, shall we? 

    1. Why does it take so much time for the staffs to reply our appeals? Ok... so this is a major problem I hate in PRO and it is the fact that when a staff mute/bans you and you make an appeal, you are pretty much guaranteed not to get answered in a week or so. I always assumed that before a staff mute/bans a player, they would have made a report stating why they banned the player and their infraction/punishment. But no, this does not seem to be the case, as sometimes when you asked a staff what did you do, they say you-know-what-you-did ( I don't know, thats why I am asking). This is a big problem as if a player does not get some type of reply, they get frustrated, angry and most importantly, sad. I know the staffs volunteered for this work and don't get payed, but show some dedication at least. If you mute/ban someone, get your facts ready because you know the person is going to appeal and this will make the appeal go smoother and more organized if you already have the facts. 

    2. Why do MODS not talk much in general chat in PRO?: Maybe some people are happy about this, because it gives them a little more freedom to talk, but.... I hardly see any MODS in general PRO chat. I know they are there, because how else would they know when you did something wrong, to mute/ban you, if nobody reported you. Its a volunteer work and all that.... but honestly that saying 'Its a Volunteer work, we have other things to do' is sounding less than a reason and more of an excuse. I just feel if MODS talked a little more in general chat, and interacted with us a bit more, then I feel the community would be much nicer.

    3. The Excuse: This is just a straight-up thing I also hate in PRO and its the fact that, If we make a complain like 'Why do they take so much time to answer appeals'  Your immediate answer is, 'This is a volunteer work, we have other things to deal with.' Yes, it is a volunteer work that you *signed* up for, meaning they were certain requirements to be met when you applied. Just because you volunteered for this does not mean because you don't get paid, you show little-to-no dedication to what you applied for. I just feel that the staffs should be more honest, like: I was busy with other appeals, sorry to have not replied to you soon enough. If Staffs can say this, it gives the players assurity that they care, and next time they do make appeals, the players would be more understanding if the Staffs don't reply them on time.

    4. Staffs are unkind?: This is does not even apply to majority of staff, just 1 and maybe 2 people. Most staffs love to make their power shown, by taunting us, jabbing us, calling us idiots, acting so unprofessional and sometimes even swearing. If this is not bad enough, if you jab them back, rest assured your account will be Special banned next day. Thats just how I see 1 or 2 staffs act... anyway, I just feel that a little bit patience will not hurt anyone. We all are growing up, and majority of the staffs think that PRO is a 18+ game and everyone should be mature and not do anything wrong... Im just going to let you guys figure this whole mess out.

    5. Oh did we think we were done?: Oh no, ANOTHER thing staffs do I feel is kind of unfair to players, is that whether or not you got falsely banned or not, you are immediately blacklisted as someone the staffs should instantly ban if you even step a toe out of line. But Im like... WHAT IS THIS? Sometimes you see trolls insulting players, calling them names I don't even know the meaning... but if I say ST U ( I would let you figure out what the other word is supposed to be), they totally ignore the guy who has been calling us names and all that and they turn their attention to me and ban me... This just shows they don't act even 1% professional and they do what they want based on their emotions. How do I know they don't punish this other player? BECAUSE, he will still come back the next day and start all over... and me probably being muted or banned for swearing, is just thinking to myself look at these clowns. 

    6. I might make a 2 page essay at this point: Look, the staffs do not have major problems, just 3-4 problems that most staff do all the time, however this would not be fair, without bashing the players would it. So to all PRO players listening please:

    Try not to judge all staffs based on your experience with just 1 of these many staffs.
    Try to be understanding that they did actually volunteer for this and not to be so entitled that they should answer you first 
    And lastly, read the rules before playing the game so that even if you do not like a staff, do not break the rules and you won't bother each other 🙂  

    PS: I just wanted to say this thread is not to bash on any staff, heck we got staffs like: Keita, Cames, Monteria, Tinvinn, the homies you know 🙂, and we got other staff (s).... 


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  4. On 6/19/2021 at 8:25 PM, Shizeria said:

    Hello everyone!


    Every Gym Leader has been reworked! The following has been changed:


    • Gym Leaders now have better dialogs and more balanced teams.
    • An often requested feature, Gym Leader can now be rechallenged after completing their region! They're stronger than regular trainers, but weaker than bosses.
    • Every Gym is now assigned a unique TM, both used by the Gym Leader and sold by the Gym Guide. Due to this, various TMs and Tutor Moves may now be obtained from different locations.


    Furthermore, a new NPC, Copycat Lamsie, makes her appearance nearby Gyms. She will copy the team of the latest player who won against the Gym Leader, and you will be able to fight her for experience every time she copies a new team.


    Here's the specifics for each change.

    Regular Gym Leader Challenge:

    • Most Gym Leaders got their dialogs rewritten, to be more complete and in-character.
    • Money is always rewarded during battle instead of outside, and therefore scales with their level.
    • Just like before, Gym Leaders will no longer give experience after you lose to them. However, they will give experience again if you wait a full day before rechallenging them.
    • Their teams have been balanced to be better adapted for their level. Some of them have also changed level to better fit the expected level of the player.
    • Gym Leaders now have EV points spread into all their stats. The higher their level, the more EV points they have, without going over the normal 510 limit.

    Gym Leader Rematch:

    • Gym Leaders are now available to be battled again once you complete the Elite Four of their region.
    • You can expect them to be as strong as the Champion, if not a bit more.
    • The final Gym Leader of a region is slightly stronger, and always have one Mega Pokemon in their team.
    • Gym Leader Rematches reward experience and items related to their type, but no money. They might be good for getting the last few levels of a Pokemon?
    • Gym Leader Rematches have a cooldown of 7 days, regardless of if you have won or lost.

    TM Sellers:

    • Every Gym now has a unique TM assigned to it, which cannot be purchased anywhere else. Due to this design decision, certain Gym Leaders were assigned TMs that they never used in the original games.
    • The first purchase of a TM is half price, making it easier of access during story. The next purchases are full price, or 5 for the price of 4, just like before.
    • Due to the new distribution of TMs, some TMs such as Roost are no longer available outside of the Gym, while other moves such as Energy Ball are now taught or sold elsewhere. Every TM and Move Tutor available before the update still remain available somewhere.
    • We have also balanced the prices to be more consistent and representative of the power of the move. Right now, this is only applied on the affected TMs and Tutors, but it is planned to rebalance all of them in the future.
    • Department Stores now have two TM sellers, one of which always have the same selection of TMs regardless of the region. The more badges you have completed in the region, the better the TMs they will sell!
    • A new TM seller is now in Fuchsia City. She sells TMs that were exclusive to Generation 1, and as such, that can only be taught to the original 151 Pokemon.

    Copycat Lamsie:

    • Lamsie becomes available to fight whenever you defeat the corresponding Gym Leader.
    • Her team will be the exact same as the team of the player who last defeated the Gym Leader. However, she will ignore teams that she judges are too strong, usually as a result of trading with another player.
    • Fighting her rewards experience, but no money. It can be a cool way to gain levels if you feel you're too weak, or if you want to train a new Pokemon.
    • Her cooldown lasts until she copies a new team. That is, the more people are doing Story, the smaller her cooldown will be.

    Specific changes:

    • The stats of Viridian's Gym Leader's Pokemon have been adjusted. It now has less offensive stats, but a lot more HP, just like a mini-boss. This should make it easier for many Pokemon to be able to contribute to the fight without relying to cheese strategies.
    • Just like in the original games, Blue replaces Viridian's Gym Leader after completing Kanto's Pokemon League. He will be the one offering the rematch instead of the original Gym Leader.
    • Tate and Liza are no longer separate NPCs to fight. You will fight both of them at the same time, although still as a regular battle style.
    • Juan has been removed. You only need to fight Wallace to receive Sootopolis' badge.


    If you have any feedback regarding the Gym Leader rework, let us know! I'm particularly looking for the following feedback:


    • Is there any Gym Leader that you feel is too strong or too weak?
    • Have you found any team copied by Copycat Lamsie that you feel should have been ignored?


    We will be keeping track of your feedback and may adjust the features as needed to keep everything balanced.

    These are wonderful changes, I really do appreciate them. Thank you very much 🙂

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