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  1. Can be closed one gem by wishi was left think it was the pokeball there, tyvm again lyn1311
  2. Tyvm i try it
  3. I get back and look if i anything missing but the pokemon like Meta tyra absol in the first Part dont spwan again, same on gravler in Part 2 with mega glurak x fight
  4. Hello, I won today the fishing contest and make the Keldeo quest step by step, i disconnect in the last battle (Wald Master) and was spawn in the Pc. I go again to the Boss and win now i have all 3 clothes and all 3 gems but the guards let me trough the castle... the maz koshia say me go trough waistlend. Dont know what is going on, maybe can a mod here help me
  5. Can be closed
  6. Hey ty i coming online right now
  7. Start by Rob05 (21p.m)
  8. s.o 400k mind bid 50k no insta 3 days after start (finished saturday 21:00 p.m) gmt +2 Items iv rr 700k nature rr 350k cc 400k
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