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Everything posted by Edwardnewgate13

  1. Can u come online now?, if not i can be online in like 14 hours.
  2. @Manbat What should we do here then?, he should move to gold, force trade, or cancel the sell? I dont mind any of this, but i feel he shouldt waste 1cc for 3 pokes worth 15k.
  3. Less than 3 hours to end(remember u dont need to bid for all, u can bid for example 10k for 28 attack only.)
  4. yes, min bid is 1k but u can bid whatever u want.
  5. Start price all 1k min bid 1k Ends 12 hours after first offer Accept rc 6k and pokedollars 1. 2. 3.
  6. S.O 100k Min bid 10k Accept cc 380k, reroll 650k Ends 25 h after first offer
  7. wtb doublade/honedge ada attack and hp +28, def +25, spdef +20 Draco1398#5028
  8. Want to buy regenerator alomomola +20, and +25 in hp, spdef def with bold nature, budget 2-2.5m PM in discord Draco1398#5028
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