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Everything posted by Edwardnewgate13

  1. close no bids
  2. Auction end @Gip won the auction, contact me.
  3. S.O 1m min bid 100k Insta 4m Accept cc:380, iv rerolls 680k , nature reroll 340k, pokedollars Time auction : 24 hours after starting offer
  4. Hey , I provided fast level services each pokemon will take about 1 hr 15 mins to be done Pokemon prices will be given according to the Experience System https://prowiki.info/index.php?title=Experience_System Pokemon with 0-65 experience to lvl 95: 40k Pokemon with 65-110 experience to lvl 95: 55k Pokemon with 110-150 experience to lvl 95: 70k Pokemon with 150-200 experience to lvl 95: 100k Make sure to use this format to request a level service IGN: Screenshot of your pokemon : or contact me in game or discord Ingame: Edwardnewgate13 Discord: Draco1398#5028
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