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About Sacredsky

  • Birthday September 17

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    we up#7892
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Rookie Trainer

Rookie Trainer (2/12)



  1. here is the text
  2. Sacredsky

    New Leaf - Fw/k

  3. I’ve been gaining Happiness with my Lopunny while hlw hunting, it’s been holding the “Loppunite” or wtv its mega stone is called, and as i took out a cacnea the stone was replaced with a sticky barb, and the item isn’t in my inventory anymore or in my pc or anywhere idk how to get my mega stone back I was told by a mod that he was able to re-trigger the interaction, and was told to post here. this interaction happened on Silver server
  4. I’ve added you, just hmu whenever you can tmr!
  5. I can get online after school and practice but it’ll be quite a while ,like 7ish hours. But I’ll still try to hit you up afterwards
  6. WTB Kommo-o as well
  7. WTB 31/31 Froakie
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