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  1. hello i would like to purchase some of your pokes
  2. as per seller request SS
  3. @Arnabh123 im in vermilion pokecenter
  4. @Arnabh123 i believe the auction is over im online atm if u want to trade now
  5. 600k (1 reroll + 100k)
  6. 500k (1 reroll)
  7. @Gothilga hello i would like to buy solosis 2 if its still available
  8. @Justbillionare can you come online now ?
  9. @Justbillionare are you available for trade now ?
  10. @Justbillionare im going to be available for trade for the next 2hours if we cant meet in that time i will be available tomorrow in around 12h from now
  11. 80k magnemite 150k squirtle
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