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Posts posted by Uxxelmon

  1. 36 minutes ago, Swaglordmastah said:


    Should we call this one Axeron? Anyway, more satisfied of this one compared to the Aggron.
    Don't hesitate, if you have any feedback (or more forms ideas for this evo line)

    I like that one 🙂

    • Like 1
  2. 1 hour ago, Noahblanco1 said:


    shiny Staraptor: Winner 125k by @Suncity


    valentine form ralts: Winner 250k by @Ashes55


    valentine form starly: Winner 225k by @Jadeash


    valentine form budew: Winner 500k by @Uxxelmon


    shadow slowpoke. Winner 275k by @Thuan2k3


    these poeple are the Winners. I am on Gold now. Can the players who won tell me if they are on Gold. I Will Trade with the players who are on Gold server first and then silver after. Write here or pm me on discord. Noahh#1169

    Im on silver, but can also trade on gold (alt account) , added on discord a while ago.

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