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Darkmaster269 last won the day on January 4

Darkmaster269 had the most liked content!

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Darkmaster269's Achievements

Junior Trainer

Junior Trainer (3/12)



  1. thanks @Blaggy for buying our quest service mega manectric stone quest service done successfully
  2. Bump 3 months now -_- @Rockyraccoon
  3. thanks @Mitthun24 for buying our services diancie quest chess puzzle done succesfully hope you liked it
  4. thanks @Varun9696for taking our services blastoise mega quest done successfully - 500k 120k for training the pokemon was used from their account , so reduced from total
  5. 700k feraligatr
  6. 500k feraligatr 100k swinub 100k growlithe 150k buizel
  7. thanks @Tcjpfor buying our services mega sableye quest with 10% guild special discount done successfully
  8. Start Offer : 1M min bid : 100k Time : 48 hours after start offer is met No Insta Accepted payment methods : 1. pokedollars 2. Coin Capsules ( 430k ea ) 3. Iv Rerolls ( 500k ea ) 4. Nature rerolls ( 250k ea ) Rare candies ( 5k ea ) NOTE : 1. This is a gold server auction , if you are bidding from an alternate server please mention and take the responsibility to transfer to gold server if won 2. If you are bidding from an alternate account , please do mention 3. Sufficient funds must be maintained in the account you are bidding from until the auction has ended 4. ALL TRADE RULES ARE BEING FOLLOWED - INCLUDING THE 15 MIN AUCTION TIME EXTEND RULE Contacts : 1. In - game - name : darkmaster269 2. Discord - darkmaster269 GOOD LUCK BIDDING
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