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Dragon57's Achievements

Newbie Trainer

Newbie Trainer (1/12)



  1. 150k
  2. I have already completed all the requirements to capture him, but the quest has changed. How do I capture it now?
  3. Start Price: 700k End Point: 3 days (after start price is met) Insta Price: 1.5m Minimum Raise: 100k
  4. 120k
  5. Price you buy
  6. Start 1.5m Mind bind 100k Accept: cc 400k rc 6k ea rr 550k
  7. Start
  8. Bump
  9. Up
  10. 400k
  11. 300k
  12. Current offer : 300k -Minimum raise : 50k -Starts after first bid -Ends in 3 days after the start -No Insta ACCEPTED PAYMENT METHODS : PokeDollars - Coin Capsule = 400K Current offer : 200k -Minimum raise : 50k -Starts after first bid -Ends in 3 days after the start -No Insta Current offer : 250k -Minimum raise : 60k -Starts after first bid -Ends in 3 days after the start -No Insta
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