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Rookie Trainer (2/12)



  1. ty so much, both heracross btw, sry
  2. Hi wtb these And offer 800k for this rotom w hp fire timid
  3. okay, i will be in game in vermi pc, pm @ leafstoned
  4. Hi, yes hw beldum is ended, you win. I will log in game in around 30 minutes
  5. Nice shop, bump us when finished!
  6. Xmas beldum finished, ty Hw beldum c.o 1.1m , around 8 hours left
  7. Hi you win xmas beldum which server are you on
  8. sorry bid 2.2m
  9. C.o 1.5m Xmas beldum C.o 1.1m haloween beldum
  10. Xmas beldum c.o 1m by bivash11
  11. 2.1m pory
  12. Any server free delivery Christmas beldum start : 500k Min bid 100k End 24 hours after starting Accept cash, rr 600k each Haloween beldum start : 1m Min bid 100k End 24 hours after starting Accept cash, rr 600k each Any sever free delivery
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