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  1. The total event seemed a little long to me, I really enjoyed all the smaller events and stuff tho.
  2. bump
  3. up
  4. 100k
  5. Ill reserve that for you. Also PM sent
  6. Added some new pokes
  7. No problem! Glad it worked out
  8. Need to faint it and get it back to 255
  9. TY!
  10. All prices negotiable. Accept pokedollars, RC (7k), and CC (400k) ING - H0twings 200k 150k 100k pokes 80K 60k 40k Solds
  11. Event was 1,000,000% memes. You cant put an event in a limited fashion and say "community event" and "we dont want to limit it". It doesnt matter how "easy" it is to catch something if people cant even get to it. I couldnt care less if it was or wasnt, but you admit you had reservations about putting it where you did due to the limited capacity of players and large amount needed. Call it what it is lol
  12. Thank you for letting my friend pick it up cause Im locked in Sinnoh!
  13. Impressive
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