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Rookie Trainer (2/12)



  1. Bump please
  2. Hi so I was under the impression Xmas Zorua recolor meant it recolored base skin and I never knew there was an event form given out years ago. I ended up buying the Chroma thinking it would recolor my base and now I can't even acquire the Xmas form even if I wanted too. Is there any confirmation whether you will re-add the skin because if not I don't want to gamble waiting a year, I would prefer a refund on the 700 Event Coins spent on it. Unless some CC can confirm whether I can acquire the Xmas form to use it.
  3. What's up everyone Happy Holidays! IGN: Darkduhtank/Darksavage35 Discord ID: Darkduhtank Nationality: Colombian & USA Expectations joining us: Dominate Dungeon Ladder , time to do some damage to those other CC's >:] What are you looking for in our guild: Well i know a lot of people already in it, also I want a good raiding CC + active guild. Favorite Pokemon: TREEECKOOOO Why should we consider recruiting you: Duh, to beat everyone. Also if the CC is as active as people tell me i'll start live streaming + hosting events IF people want that. PvE, PvP or both? Let us know what you like: I'm probably gonna hop back into ladder this season or next... It's been a while but helps having 200+ rating Enter your Trainer Card with a screenshot: The Man, the Myth, the Legend. The T A N K
  4. Xmas Azurill, won in Auction by Magicarpediem
  5. paid for. Auction can now be closed
  6. Congratulations @Magicarpediem you win the auction with your bid of 400k pls pm me in game/ on forum / discord
  7. Apologies, it's happened twice where your bids aren't updating for me... If it does happen I will honor whoeve's bid came first don't worry Don't be afraid to @ me in chat to let me know if I made a mistake. I want to make sure it's fair thank you for your patience!
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