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  1. Hello guys! My suggestion here is to include a new move tutor for Yawn, since there isn't any tutor for this move, and some Pokémons learn Yawn on Gen 7, like Kangaskhan. So I wanna see this move tutor on PRO, just to have an option for the Pokémons who learn Yawn. About the price, this move can be at a price of 6000 or 7000 pokedollars. Thank you in advance!
  2. Another point is, when I click on the client .exe file, it doesn't show on Task Manager, and it doesn't appear the "Unknown source file" message which I press the button "Run anyways".
  3. STEPS I DID THIS TIME: 1. I have totally deleted the PROClient folders on C : and D : (the last one is my external HD) 2. I found a Player.log file on %USER%/AppData/LocalLow/PROTeam/PROClient and deleted it too 3. I disabled VPN and antivirus to check if my Firewall is blocking the app 4. I redownloaded PROClient x64 for the sixth time RESULT: The problem continues.
  4. I can't even run the application, I uninstalled the PRO Client and reinstalled it again, and nothing happens. Everytime I double-click the application, the mouse cursor changes to a circle (as it's loading the app) and then it switches to the normal cursor. After that, nothing happens and PRO Client doesn't open. I tried to run as administrator, I tried to change high DPI settings, I even have removed the game from Game mode (on Windows settings), but the problem still continues. I'm out of options, and I don't know what to do anymore.
  5. I can't even run the application, I uninstalled the PRO Client and reinstalled it again, and nothing happens. Everytime I double-click the application, the mouse cursor changes to a circle (as it's loading the app) and then it switches to the normal cursor. After that, nothing happens and PRO Client doesn't open. I tried to run as administrator, I tried to change high DPI settings, I even have removed the game from Game mode (on Windows settings), but the problem still continues. I'm out of options, and I don't know what to do anymore.
  6. Congratulations @Saralira! You won the auction!
  7. Starting offer: 400k Minimum raise: 20k 24h after starting offer is met
  8. I was doing the Rotoms and Gengar room, but when I suddenly faced one of Noiverns, I lost 2 Pokémons, but I could manage it. When I arrived to the fountain, the message appeared on the annex. I don't know what to do here.
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