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  1. @@Datemtv09u won the auction pls send me message on discord shravu6351 or ign Shravu.
  2. up c.o for cott - 3.3m, c.o of larvesta - 200k
  3. @Mavuikacurrent highest offer is 3.2m
  4. @Mavuikahello, someone already made that offer before u I apologize for posting the ss late
  5. Note : auction will end in 2 days after first bid. Xmas cottonee : c.o 2.9m , min bid 100k larvesta : s.o 200k min bid 50k This is not a bundle auction, every pokemon mention here are selling seperately. Coin capsule - 500k
  6. Start
  7. 650K cloyster
  8. I'm online
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