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About Dezaliii

  • Birthday 08/04/2003

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Newbie Trainer (1/12)



  1. Hi! 48 hours have passed since you started the auction so this means you win! DM me here or on discord whenever you’re ready! My discord is dezalii
  2. I’m sorry for the late response! Unfortunately its hidden power is bug.
  3. Start: 150k Min Bid: 20k Insta: None End: 48 hours after first bid
  4. Trade done!
  5. Sorry I wasnt online, things are a little hectic right now for me. If it makes setting up a time easier you can always message me on discord! my discord is dezalii
  6. Hi! 24h have passed which makes you the winner! Please let me know when and where you’d like to meet on game for the trade
  7. Discord no longer uses that form for their usernames, the "#7313" was taken out so I cant find your user with it. you may dm me here and we can discuss that way if its easier
  8. Hello! It is still available, what can i do for you?
  9. Start - 150k Min Bid - 25k Insta - 300k End - 24h after first bid
  10. Hi! I'm Dez and I am doing a few services for cheap! DRAGONSPIRAL TOWER Base - 200k If you require the quest for Zekroms dark stone to be done as well I charge an extra 50k for it. Pokemon to do the tower will be provided by me and have no extra fee! EV Training(Temporarily Closed) 30k per mon FOOTNOTES 1. For my services I'll generally go in order of which requests I received first and go down the list. If you're interested in these services please contact me on this forum page, on discord or in game and I'll get back to you as soon as I can! Discord - dezalii IGN - dezaliii
  11. Nevermind, I'm so sorry- I was so dumb, didnt realize i had to just walk into the room after the dialogue talking about an old pokemon.
  12. Tried again and i still didnt receive any unique dialogue from the contest judge nor am i allowed to enter genesects room
  13. Hi! im unable to enter genesects room, the contest judge wont give any special dialogue despite the fact that I've hit 500 hours and caught a pokemon with 140+ ivs. I've googled it and no where does it say theres an additional requirement.
  14. start scyther 68282874
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