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Everything posted by Flaggpunsch

  1. S.O 200k Min Bid 50k No Insta I accept cc at 380k and iv reroll at 530k Auction end 24h after start
  2. Halloween Absol & Halloween Buneary sold. Absol sold for 1.5m to Chulus2 Buneary sold for 1.7m (1 cc = 380k) to Citronita
  3. Shiny Gible sold to pasokoss for 50m
  4. Halloween Swinub and Bronzor sold to Dream123456 for 270k Swinub: 170k Bronzor: 120k
  5. Bump. plenty of Halloween form added + shinies.
  6. S.O: 50 Million C.O: 50 Million By Pasokoss Min Bid: 2m Insta: 70 Million Auction end 24h after start I accept cc at 400k and iv reroll ticket at 530k https://www.tickcounter.com/countdown/4494828/gible
  7. S.O 200k Min bid 50k Auction end 32h after start No insta I accept cc at 400k and iv reroll ticket at 530k
  8. Easter Wooper sold to goldenbetl0g for 180k
  9. auction won by megalucarioone at 4m. 1 cc = 400k
  10. 4m by megalucarioone, auction reset to 00:10 gmt+1
  11. 3m700k by alcantara010, timer reset to 23:56 gmt+1
  12. 3m400k by megalucarioone, timer reset to 23:53 gmt+1
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