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  1. 250k
  2. 2.7 chansey
  3. 2.2 chansey
  4. Start chansey
  5. Gratz @Masskiller can contact me in game or discord for trade
  6. Hey everyone. Want to auction my OT 2022 haloween smeargle SOLD Min bid increment 100K Insta: N/A Auction ends after 3 days (72H) after 1st bid. Will try to include countdown timer once the first bid happens. https://www.timeanddate.com/countdown/fight?iso=20231215T1911&p0=107&msg=Smeargle+Auction&font=cursive&csz=1 Technician, Timid, HP Water, IV's below. Accepting cc 380k & IV reroll 500K as payment or cash poke dollars. Contact Info Silver Server: Ozmon93 Discord: Ozmon93 Thanks for participating!
  7. Trade complete. Thanks.
  8. gratz Melliodas661 you won the auction
  9. CO 3M by @Melliodas661 Bid in-game
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