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Everything posted by SnappyWNL

  1. I literally lost from her and the focus sash didn't work my lopunny was full hp and the cool down is for 20days F
  2. Oh ty
  3. Hi I had accidentally killed articuno (legendary bird) will he respawn how much time i have to wait for it to respawn?
  4. 35k magicarp
  5. Auction : S . O = 1.5m Min bid = 200k Time Left - 48hr Accept cc = 350k Accept iv rr = 650k Insta - 8m Good Luck ^^
  6. Want to sell shiny torkoal for 13m
  7. I had evo him and sold it now u can lock this chat
  8. Tysm mod
  9. Hey mod My riolu haven't evolved to lucario still it's level 100 how do I evo it can you evo it for me or give me any tip for evolving it.
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