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About Darkmagela03

  • Birthday 02/15/2003

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  1. any chance there is a cheap or somewhat good price trace ralts or evo in here hidden somewhere?
  2. wtb event trace ralts/evo doesnt need to be trained or good ign Darkmagela03 cord DarkMagela03#0700
  3. Not sure if you are opened but I'd like you to do the gyaradosite quest for me please
  4. Any chance there may be a new link?
  5. trading for a serperior hp fire have a hp ice charizard [zard below in pic] im wanting to trade for it.... Buying a jolly defiant pawinard pvpable message in game at Darkmagela03 if im on my discord is DarkMagela03#0700
  6. trading a very good zard and will add money for a hp ice/fire serperior contrary timid DarkMagela03#0700 discord Darkmagela03 ign
  7. Wts/wtt garchomp 700k or 1 iv rr.... wts zard 160k.... wts ttar 200k srock pvp... wts ha epic cottonee 500k and x2 boss cottonee 50k each also selling hw arcanine mount 525k message me on discord @DarkMagela03#0700 or ign Darkmagela03 or here in forum with your ign
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