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Everything posted by Jackstermac

  1. @Pumpkinl - congrats on winning!
  2. tag me when you update with pokes!
  3. s.o = 30m min bid = 500k insta = 41m auction ends = 48hrs after initial offer accepted payment types = pokedollars, cc (450k), iv rr (500k), nat rr (250k)
  4. c.o = 600k *************************************************************************** s.o = 500k min bid = 100k insta = n/a auction ends = 24hrs after initial bid accept payment types = pokedollars, cc (450k), iv rr (500k), nat rr (250k)
  5. Wts S Raikou Prestige Mount - 14m
  6. have S Raikou mount if interested
  7. trade prestige yvetal mount for prestige raikou?
  8. any interest in buying shiny raikou mount?
  9. wtb toast 30k, hot dog 70k, lolli rainbow 100k, lolli tangerine for 70k, riceball 80k
  10. Not interested in S Raikou Mount? @Nathji1723
  11. If I buy in bulk, can I get a discount? I'd like to buy one of each lollipop, cookie, chocolate, riceball, pizza, burger, hotdog & candy apple. All items for 750k?
  12. wtb mimikyu - 200k and excadrill -400k
  13. wtb kommo-o
  14. wtb black bandana
  15. wtb 250k
  16. wtb hotdog & pizza cosmetics
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