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Everything posted by Jackstermac

  1. @Incandescent By them bidding on this, isn't that than creating a binding agreement that they're willing to come to me due to the stipulation that I put at the beginning of the sale? If they aren't willing to do so, they technically don't have to bid
  2. s.o = 6m min bid = 100k insta = 11.5m duration = 48hrs after initial offer payment types accepted: Pokedollars, CC (400k), IV Reroll (500k), Nat Reroll (200k)
  3. Congrats @pathib28, you won! Find me on (ign = jackstermac) or message me on discord (jackwmac) to coordinate the trade
  4. s.o = 175k min bid = 25k insta = 650k duration = 24hrs after initial offer payment types accepted: Pokedollars, CC (400k), IV Reroll (500k), Nat Reroll (200k)
  5. Hear me out, 340k - meet halfway and this can be done!
  6. I'll buy modest Blastoise and bold Pelipper for 400k total... deal?
  7. what's the h.p of this form seedot?
  8. Has been gone for awhile.. thought I've marked already, sorry!
  9. @Rudedingo22 hidden power on roserade??
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