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Community Answers

  1. @Palafox Okay. So, you have to talk to any Event Shop and you will receive the missing Coins. Reason for that is that some time ago the event currencies have changed as there are no event specific curencies anymore but only one, and for this NPC it was forgotten to change the currency. Kind regards~
  2. Hey @Suiren07, sorry for the late reply. Generally for lending trades we have the lending feature that returns the lended Pokémon autimatically with a time set or earlier with the return feature. In case you still don't have your Pokémon back, please create a topic in our General Complaint area with a screenshot of your lending agreement and by chance a Trade Mod finds time to return the Pokémon. Kind regards~
  3. Hey @Marcosdm1771996, sorry for the late reply. The Reaper Outfit was a halloween only cosmetic, which means it is only obtainable during the Halloween Event for Coins in the Coinshop. Generally you can buy all Coin shop items with Coins by buying Coins via real money, but also with ingame money by trading Coin Capsules in the Trade Char or directly asking for the outfit in the Trade Chat. Since the Halloween Event just ended, there is a good chance you can find Reaper Outfits by asking in the in-game Trade Chat. Let me know if you still have questuions. Kind regards~
  4. Hey @Palafox, sorry for the late reply. I have forwarded the case to our Content Scripter for further investigation. I will let you know once there are any news. Kind regards~
  5. Very nice. Sorry again for the late reply.
  6. Hey @God3vil, sorry for the late reply and sorry to hear about the crash In general we can not refund anything caused by a rollback. As I see you managed to beat the E4? Congratulations. Once way to stock up in money again would have been to do some Officer Jenny quests. Of coruse, its too late now. But maybe it can help in future occasions. Kind regards~
  7. Hey @Marcosdm1771996, sorry for the late reply. As you say, for the last floor you need an active Membership. With that is being meant the Membership Medallion. You can buy it in the Coin Shop in the top right of your Game Screen with coins, trade it from players in the trade chat or get it as reward for some in-game quests or Bosses. The most known MS-reward would be the Battle Bot, where you however need a MS in first place to reach it. If you want to know what is on the last floor in the uderground, you can take a look at this topic (Spawns are not up to date). Hope that answers your question. Kind regards~
  8. Hey @Marcosdm1771996, sorry for the late reply. The cave on Route 25 is not accessible. You can not enter. Kind regards~
  9. Hey @Komalala, sorry for the late reply. There is no other way I know of. The Coin/Gambling feature is more for late game and therefore a bit more expansive. Kind regards~
  10. Hey @Hanjim1990, sorry for the late reply. Did you manage to complete the quest? As Lyn1311 said, Gyarados(Moxie) or Umbreon are great Pokémon to complete the Quest. Kind regards~
  11. Hey, sorry for the late reply. Usually that, what was already explained, should be enough. If it doesnt work again, try it in the following way: Let your Pokémon faint in a wild ballte (No trainer battle) Log out and close your client completely Login Heal your Pokémon and let it gain happiness again => The evolution should trigger now Reply again if that shouldnt work. If it doesn' work, and could record and upload it on You Tube for example it would be great. Kind regards
  12. Just to confirm this afterwards: Yes, indeed there are no Shiny Mega Gengar clothes this year either. Maybe they will return in the future. Sorry Kind regards~
  13. Hey @Jeckhat, sorry for the late reply. I assume you found the solution? Otherwise I will of course help you (fast as well). Kind regards
  14. Hey @Marcosdm1771996, sorry for the late reply. In case you mean the World Quest, the Mysterios Cultist is indeed the right spot to submit your Pokémon. We have a World Quest Wiki page if you need additional information. Hope this was kind of useful after all this time. Kind regards~
  15. Hey @Marcosdm1771996, sorry for the late reply. Did you already find the solution? Generally I can sugest you our guide section, we have a couple of guides for the halloween event: Halloween quest (Complete, 2019), Halloween quest (2020), Halloween quest (Gengarite, 2021). If you are still stuck, please let me know what you did last and I will try to help you out what to do next. Kind regards~
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