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Everything posted by Doctile
@Palafox Okay. So, you have to talk to any Event Shop and you will receive the missing Coins. Reason for that is that some time ago the event currencies have changed as there are no event specific curencies anymore but only one, and for this NPC it was forgotten to change the currency. Kind regards~
Hey @Suiren07, sorry for the late reply. Generally for lending trades we have the lending feature that returns the lended Pokémon autimatically with a time set or earlier with the return feature. In case you still don't have your Pokémon back, please create a topic in our General Complaint area with a screenshot of your lending agreement and by chance a Trade Mod finds time to return the Pokémon. Kind regards~
Hey @Marcosdm1771996, sorry for the late reply. The Reaper Outfit was a halloween only cosmetic, which means it is only obtainable during the Halloween Event for Coins in the Coinshop. Generally you can buy all Coin shop items with Coins by buying Coins via real money, but also with ingame money by trading Coin Capsules in the Trade Char or directly asking for the outfit in the Trade Chat. Since the Halloween Event just ended, there is a good chance you can find Reaper Outfits by asking in the in-game Trade Chat. Let me know if you still have questuions. Kind regards~
Hey @Palafox, sorry for the late reply. I have forwarded the case to our Content Scripter for further investigation. I will let you know once there are any news. Kind regards~
Very nice. Sorry again for the late reply.
Hey @God3vil, sorry for the late reply and sorry to hear about the crash In general we can not refund anything caused by a rollback. As I see you managed to beat the E4? Congratulations. Once way to stock up in money again would have been to do some Officer Jenny quests. Of coruse, its too late now. But maybe it can help in future occasions. Kind regards~
Busco membresia activa para entrar en torre lavanda underground
Doctile replied to Marcosdm1771996's topic in General Support
Hey @Marcosdm1771996, sorry for the late reply. As you say, for the last floor you need an active Membership. With that is being meant the Membership Medallion. You can buy it in the Coin Shop in the top right of your Game Screen with coins, trade it from players in the trade chat or get it as reward for some in-game quests or Bosses. The most known MS-reward would be the Battle Bot, where you however need a MS in first place to reach it. If you want to know what is on the last floor in the uderground, you can take a look at this topic (Spawns are not up to date). Hope that answers your question. Kind regards~ -
Cueva al lado de la casa de Bill en ciudad celeste
Doctile replied to Marcosdm1771996's topic in General Support
Hey @Marcosdm1771996, sorry for the late reply. The cave on Route 25 is not accessible. You can not enter. Kind regards~ -
Hey @Komalala, sorry for the late reply. There is no other way I know of. The Coin/Gambling feature is more for late game and therefore a bit more expansive. Kind regards~
Hey @Hanjim1990, sorry for the late reply. Did you manage to complete the quest? As Lyn1311 said, Gyarados(Moxie) or Umbreon are great Pokémon to complete the Quest. Kind regards~
Hey, sorry for the late reply. Usually that, what was already explained, should be enough. If it doesnt work again, try it in the following way: Let your Pokémon faint in a wild ballte (No trainer battle) Log out and close your client completely Login Heal your Pokémon and let it gain happiness again => The evolution should trigger now Reply again if that shouldnt work. If it doesn' work, and could record and upload it on You Tube for example it would be great. Kind regards
Just to confirm this afterwards: Yes, indeed there are no Shiny Mega Gengar clothes this year either. Maybe they will return in the future. Sorry Kind regards~
Hey @Jeckhat, sorry for the late reply. I assume you found the solution? Otherwise I will of course help you (fast as well). Kind regards
Hey @Marcosdm1771996, sorry for the late reply. In case you mean the World Quest, the Mysterios Cultist is indeed the right spot to submit your Pokémon. We have a World Quest Wiki page if you need additional information. Hope this was kind of useful after all this time. Kind regards~
Hey @Marcosdm1771996, sorry for the late reply. Did you already find the solution? Generally I can sugest you our guide section, we have a couple of guides for the halloween event: Halloween quest (Complete, 2019), Halloween quest (2020), Halloween quest (Gengarite, 2021). If you are still stuck, please let me know what you did last and I will try to help you out what to do next. Kind regards~
Hello @1ec1uc, sorry for the late reply. Can you try what Slyfox1 did? (Thanks fox, btw.) Please let me know if the problem still exists. Kind regards~
Pokémon stats Every casual Pokémon player knows that different Pokémon have different stats. Some are strong in Defense, some in Attack, some in Speed and so on. Even under the same species there are differences. How those stats work in detail is actually knowledge not too many trainers know. This guide will casually explain all Pokémon stats, so you can finally understand those mysterious IVs, EVs and others. Later on there are also calculations for more interested trainers. Stat overview Let's take a look where you can see your Pokémon's stats. By clicking on a Pokémon in your in-game computer or your party, an info card with many information will open. On the bottom right you will see many numbers. They display most of your Pokémon's stats. You will notice you have different stats in Attack (ATK), Defense (DEF), Speed (SPD), Special Attack (SPATK), Special Defense (SPDEF) and Health Points (HP) (Bottom right). As you can see you have two different types of 'Attack' stats, 'Attack' and 'Special Attack'. Basically ATK refers to physical attacks while SPATK refers to non physical 'special' attacks. The damage of a physical attack move will only be calculated with your ATK stat, the power of the move and the opposing Pokémon's DEF and HP stat (Exceptions exist but are not the default). That means that the Special Defense has no influence at all when it comes to physical attack move damage. With special attacks it's the other way around, the power of the special move is calculated by the SPATK stat, the power of the move and the Special Defense and HP of the opposing Pokémon. The speed stat is there to determinate which Pokémon is gonna move first, considering the priority* is the same. If there is a speed tie, the first moving Pokémon is random. The Showdown damage calculator is a great tool to calculate damage in and outputs and gives those stats more meaning. *(Some attacking moves have a so called 'priority' and always move first unless the opposing Pokémon also uses a priority move) Physical and special moves have a own sign when you hover your mouse or finger above the move in your Pokémons info card, a info box will appear. To the left, Bolt Strike, is a Physical attack move. To the right, Air Slash, is a Special attack move. Staying at the bottom right you have one column with white numbers, those are the total stats (exception HP - on the top left). You get those after adding everything following up. They and the move you choose determine how much damage you deal, you take and if you move first or not. For that again, the Showdown damage calculator is very helpful. Right next to them, in the orange column you see the IVs (Individual Values). They are randomly generated, not changeable integers (No commas) from minimum 1 to maximum 31. At level 100 one IV will add one point to your total stats. Legendary Pokémon can only be caught once in PRO. Therefore there is an exception for them: With the help of so called Reroll-Ticket's you can randomly change the IVs of your legendary Pokémon. Reroll tickets are often used items in order to optimize legendary Pokémon. One more column to the right you see the in blue written EVs (Effort Values). Every players Pokémon can have 510 of them in total, while the maximum is 252 per stat. NPC's in PRO can actually have more than 510 EVs in total and 252 per stat. They are also adjustable; with that is meant they can be in and decreased - every trainer can train them as they want. How to train EVs, to get rid of them again and more you can find out in the EV Zone Breakdown. Pretty much in the center you can see the Nature information. The randomly set Nature of a Pokémon increases one stat and decreases the same or another stat by 10%. Green written stats are increased, orange written ones are decreased. (All white => Same stat is in and decreased). For this Blastoise the increased stat is the SPATK stat and the deceased one the SPDEF stat. It's nature is Rash. Every Nature has a name. In the chart below you can see all Natures, their names and their effects A nature chart from the old Pokémon stat guide. It shows the name of all natures and their effects. The Nature of a normal Pokémon can't be changed. Legendaries form an exception again as there is also a kind of Reroll Ticket for their Natures to be adjusted. It is important to mention that it is possible to increase the chance of getting a certain Nature of wild Pokémon by using a Pokémon with the ability Synchronize. More dedicated players that hunt for specific Pokémon pretty much always use those 'sync mons'. With the ability Synchronize you have a extra 50% chance to get the same Nature as the Pokémon with the Synchronize ability. The ability triggers if the Pokémon with Synchronize is the first Pokémon to appear in a battle, or is in the first slot while being defeated. If you have a defeated 'sync Pokémon' in the first slot and a living one in the second, the first slot sync will trigger. A typical 'Sync mon' would be Kadabra or Alakazam. Let's open the Pokédex now, as the Base Stats of our Pokémon are not displayed in the info card. Base stats are set for every Pokémon and can not change. They are 'the base' for the stat calculation and usually have the biggest influence in the total stats. Jolteon's strongest Base stats are the SPD stat followed by SPATK, its weakest are the DEF, ATK and HP stat. It seems to have great potential in Speed and Special attack, while its defense is very low. If you take a base stat, double it and add 5, you have your total stat without influence of IVs, EVs, Nature etc. at level 100. For the HP stat you take the double and add the level of your Pokémon plus 10 at level 100 (Excluding Shednija). For level 50 you take the half of your Base stat, for level 25 a quarter and so on. At the very end we still have our Level. In your info card the level of your Pokémon is located on the top part next to the name. A Pokémon has a level with the minimum of 1 and a maximum of 100 and can not lose any level. The level determinantes how much of the full potential of the Pokémon is used. After every level up the Pokémon gains 1/50 stat points based on the base stats, 1/100 of their IVs and 1/400 of their EVs in each stat. How interesting. That's why I put it in the end. Calculating stats Of course you already have concluded the correct formulaas but wonder how to deal with non integer numbers as they do not appear in the total stats - I knew it. In order to keep everything easy to read, it wasn't mentioned and that's the reason why the final formulas are posted here - no other reason. The calculating part is actually easy, even when the formulas may look like rocket sience. You just put the numbers in the red places and use a calculator. Lets do that step by step. Lets take this Jolteon as test object and prove that PRO's stat calculation is hopefully correct. HP stat Speed stat
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Officer Jenny Quests The Officer Jenny quests are simple side quests with the intent to give story players an easy and good early game money source and also showing some basic Pokémon Revolution in-game mechanics. Officer Jenny is located at 6 different cities in Kanto where she offers some quests. The quest's usually contain more or less simple tasks like catching a certain Pokémon or fighting specific trainers. How it works Officer Jenny can be met at 6 different locations; Viridian City, Pewter City, Cerulean City, Celadon City, Fuchsia City and Cinnabar Island. On each location you can usually do around 3 quests. To start a quest you have to interact with Jenny, choose a quest she offers to you and accept it. You can have as many quests active as you like, you also have no time limit. Once you finished a quest, you go back to her and recieve your reward which can lay between 1.250 and 12.000 Pokedollar, depending on the quest. Not accepted quests are written in white, accepted quests in yellow, accomplished quests in green and accomplished quests where you also received the reward are blue-ish. How to solve Every quest has a small explanation. However, if you seek complete guidiance, this part is for you. Viridian City Pewter City Cerulean City Celadon City Fuchsia City Cinnabar Island
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Hey, welcome back
Hey @Ahir, our Dev's need to check something in the data base first in order to proceed. Sorry for the long waiting time. Someone will answer the thread once its solved. Regards~
resolved change email address/cambiar mi correo
Doctile replied to Rallezll's topic in General Support
Hey @Rallezll, please create a topic here, in our private sub-forum: 2fa email recover assistance Read the instructions and add not only your new mail but also the username of the account where you want a new mail on. Please do not share your personal data as your email in puplic places. I removed your mail from your post. Knd regards~ -
resolved Shop wont take my irl money for ms and exp boost.
Doctile replied to Babadano0914's topic in General Support
Hey @Babadano0914, it may take a while to your coins to arrive after the payment. If you didn't get your coins after 24 hours, you can create a topic in Donation and Coin issues like you already did. Please wait for a reply there. Kind regards~ -
Hey @Beerus3, keep in mind that there are also Rocks not directly infront of the Excavation site and also some wih some distance to it. Try breaking all rocks again, dont forget to stand still for a second after the rock was smashed and interact with the tile again. This should solve the problem. Keep me up to date. Kind regards~
Hey @Sgarac, those Pokémon are locked in your PC because they belong to a region you haven't finished yet. You would have to complete the Hoenn region (E4 not included) in order to be able to trade this specific mons. Once you are able to do that, you can for example look for a friend/guild mate that was recently in the top 25 and can freely server tranfer, and then trade the Pokémon to him when he is on Gold. Or you trade the Pokémon to a Gold player you trust and transver on your own in order to trade them back. Does that solve all your concerns? Kind regards~
Hey everyone here, as perviously already mentioned, if you have any issues with the 2FA system (No mail access, wrong mail etc. ...) please post it in the following section: 2fa email recover assistance You can bump your topics once a day, dont forget to mention your username, old and new mail in case you need your mail changed. It is maybe a bit annoying update but a huge help for you, the players! It helps much against account hacks. Kind regards~