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About Kiwi

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  1. I would like to thank especially Windypuff for his engagement for this community, i literally see you everywhere, and also the GM Mappille that helped me personally out extremely good like if it was his own problem. Thank you both for the time you invest in all of this. We all appreciate your work!
  2. The forum sections are mostly about complaints, bugs, more complaints, critims, suggestions but where are the positive aspects? For example, i personally right now would just really like to create a topic somewhere to just thank in this case Windypuff for his activeness and engagement for the community. I don't have any contact to him, nor he did anything for me. It's just i see him a lot, ingame and in forums and i really appreciate his efforts for this community. There should just be a way to give staff quality feedback for the things they do daily to make this game as great as it is right now. This does not have to be limited to staff/support work only. Maybe you like a new feature very much and think it's just made very good and fits perfectly in the game. Where are you going to post that? How can you give the staff the feedback that they are doing good. We all appreciate all your work, i mean every single staff member and you should know that. Another good opportunity would open it's way with this new section by the way, e.g. a new staff member let's say a GM in law does things very well and users post about him in this section, it is a good feedback for the higher tier staff members to maybe promote him or just thank him for his great efforts. Even though i used the exact example of Windypuff in this thread, i want to thank all of the staff for their endeavor. I am a long time supporter and I really appreciate everything you did to this game, wich made it the best Pokemon Online MMO ever created. Best regards, kiwi/k1wi
  3. Stop crying about the raised Price. Rare has to be rare, it's a great idea of the Staff and i totally support them.
  4. There have been already Suggestions like that, as far as i know they are working on a better Pokebox right now. :)
  5. 1m7 when is the auction ending?
  6. Re: WTS EPIC JOLLY beldum b.o wins <t>i offer 1m5</t>
  7. Re: Sell very good IVs MAX spd Adamant Swampert [ADDED Ferroseed] <t>120k ferro</t>
  8. lol, firstly they should finish the original regions sinnoh ftw! :D
  9. Kiwi

    Pvp rewards

    ++++ its so much harder to be Top 1 than wining a single tournament, i don't know wether he wants legendary pokemon too but just a better reward than just clothes would be nice
  10. #ScaleOtherBigPokemonsToo It's unfair that only Gyara and Onix get scaled up.. :D:
  11. +++ feedback trusted and helpful player!
  12. Dude, 40m insta? 15m highest offer? You should check out the guy that bid 15m if he even has 15m lol.. I srsly don't believe anyone would offer 15m for that.
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