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Caelestya last won the day on May 1 2024

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  1. Greetings @Darkduhtank This Zorua Chroma is indeed exclusive to the Christmas form, which you could obtain during the 2023 Christmas event through a mini-event. Sadly, I fear this form was unique to this event, as everyone had access to a Zorua hunting grounds but only had the choice to transform a single Zorua into its event counterpart, through a NPC. There are no plans to make the form huntable again in the future. Although that probably wasn't the answer you hoped for, the best I can do is refund the 700 Event coins you spent on that Chroma. Is that ok for you? Kind regards, Caelestya
  2. Greetings @Newdanielbr1992 PRO is currently under the Gen 9 rules for learnsets and such. As Mysticwind said above, Pokemons up to gen 6 are available. Some from gen 7, 8 and 9 also are. It is intended that all Pokemons end up being catchable at some point, but there is no ETA regarding when that will be the case. Please do note that all Legendary Pokemons are not catchable at the moment, no matter the generation they come from. If you have any other question related to this topic, don't hesitate to ask Have a nice day, Caelestya
  3. Greetings @Sh1nogekai Apologies for the inconvenience you have encountered. I have forwarded your issue to the team handling that kind of requests. Either they or I will contact you when an outcome has been decided. We, once again, apologize for the issue and thank you for your patience. Have a nice day, Caelestya
  4. Greetings I have restored your Claydol. It should now be in your PC. If you ever happen to need another Pokemon restored, please make sure to use the Restore Pokemon Megathread instead of creating an individual post here. As there is not further action to take, I will proceed to lock this thread. Take care, Caelestya
  5. Greetings @Tgbbrock312 The Android client is currently unaccessible due to some heavy issues with Unity. The devs are aware and currently working on a fix. As much as I can understand the frustration, there is sadly not much I can do, except ask for your patience, your understanding, and express my apologies for the inconvenience.
  6. Greetings @Dante99. There were some heavy issues with the game, and the devs have fixed it with a new client. However, this fix didn't help with the Android client, which was still pretty broken due to a Unity issue. While we understand the frustration, we're asking for your patience and understanding while the issue is being solved, and wish to apologize for the inconvenience.
  7. Greetings @Igorekziomal As far as I know, there are sadly no ways to check the exact chance for a specific Pokemon to spawn in tall grass. The closest thing to that would be to use either the PRO Wiki, which has spawn lists including rarity tiers for the Pokemons on their respective page, or to use the Reborn Bot with the /spawns command on the PRO Discord: that will also give you that list for either the Pokemon or the Map you're checking the rarity tiers for. Another option would be to use PRO Better Farm: this is an extra tool that helps you monitor all of your encounters, therefore giving you the number of times you encountered a specific Pokemon, and the corresponding percentage. Did you have any other question related to this topic?
  8. Greetings @Daniel0405 You will be able to encounter Helioptile on route 215 and route 230. If you possess an active membership, you will have access to additional spawns in Valley Windworks and the Hoenn Safari Area 2. The command you were probably looking for, using the Discord Reborn bot, was /spawns (followed by the name of the Pokemon or Map you wanted to check). If you want another way to look for where Pokemons spawn, you can also use the PRO Wiki, then search for the Pokemon's or Map's name. Did you have any other questions?
  9. Greetings @Autumnsky91, and welcome aboard! Hope you'll have a nice stay within the PRO Community. To answer your question, IVs and EVs are indeed available in the game, but Breeding is not implemented. There are however ways to get the moves available only through breeding on certain Pokemons. However, it is not mandatory to take those aspects in consideration while going through the game's storyline, it is perfectly enjoyable and doable without Pokemons fully trained and perfect natures. In the end, it all depends about you want to enjoy the game, and I hope you'll enjoy it as much as we do!
  10. My pleasure to have been of help. As you seem to have no more questions regarding this topic, I will now proceed to lock this thread. Don't hesitate to create another of post if you're ever in need of assistance or encounter an issue. Kind regards, Caelestya
  11. Hello @Madarauchia It appears you have a lending trade open with Prezzle, that will end on the 11th of January. I hope you found the information you were looking for. Did you have any other question regarding this topic?
  12. Hello @Exequiel To evolve Magneton into Magnezone, you need to level it up (after it reached level 30) in one of the following locations: -Kanto's Power plant -Hoenn's New Mauville -Sinnoh's Mt. Coronet As your Magneton is already level 100, it cannot level up anymore. You can still evolve it using a Mysterious Candy (that you can buy for 5.000 Pokedollars in all Department Stores) in one of the locations I quoted. Can you please try it and tell me if you managed to evolve your Pokemon? Kind regards, Caelestya
  13. Hello @Hisoka007. I am sorry for the inconvenience you experienced. This is a known issue, and there's a solution to allow you to participate in the next Fishing Contests. All you have to do is go talk with the Expert Fisherman NPC, In Corsica Island, while the Contest is not currently ongoing. This will reset your variables, and should allow you to access the future Fishing Contests without problem. I am available if you have any other question regarding this topic. Kind regards, Caelestya
  14. Hello @Stark2006. As Niuniu said, it is indeed impossible to get the Christmas form for Kyurem now. Most event forms for Legendary Pokemons are only available the year of release, which was 2019 in Kyurem's case. I am sorry, as it may not have been the answer you were expecting. Did you have any other question related to this topic?
  15. Hello again! I hope your exam results will be as high as can be, and that you can now enjoy stuff (like the Christmas event, just a thought) without stress!
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