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  1. 2m (money I will collect from alts if I win)
  2. @Marshalbro Auction is over ryt? I should have won
  3. 1m from lucky1234
  4. @Zoruami seriously I am sure the azumarill was 24 hr auction and you said it's 24 hour ....thats no way I can accept it ....show me proof I am wrong
  5. @Zoruami Didn't you see this bid?...this was a valid bid And Bro literally irrc the azumarill was 24 hr auction
  6. And second of all I shouldn't be Temporarily banned ...it's just a small mistake ...shoudnt I get warning first ? ...this is preety much unjustified
  7. Hello First i Would like to ask wasn't the azumarill 24 hrs auction ?
  8. @Scooby321 You won Rotom at 1.1m and @Th0maszz you won Slowpoke at 650k ......Auction ends ty everyone for bidding
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