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Everything posted by Evan1011

  1. Hi I didn't realize it was a gold auction please give a few hours for mods to force my silver auction trades through so I can transfer for the poke thank you
  2. Bump! Hippowdon auc has ended , less than a day left for pelipper and swampert is not started
  3. All auctions seperate Starting offer: 100k each Min bid: 50k for all No insta I accept cash only and forum bids only. Each auction will end 48 hours after they are started .
  4. So 50k Min bid 15k Ends 24 hours after first bid Cash only Forum bids only
  5. Cash only Forum bids only Each auction ends 48 hours after first bid So 200k Min bid 25k So 150k , Min bid 50k So 100k Min bid 50k
  6. Kanga complete , can close thread
  7. Bump ! 2 hours left on kanga and marill auc had ended
  8. Sorry, thank you!
  9. So: 50k Min bid 25k Ends 24 hours after first bid Cash only Forum bids only
  10. So 150k Min bid 50k Cash only Forum bids only Ends 48 hours after first bid
  11. I don't think you're allowed to start accepting it after a bid has already been made
  12. So : 25k each Min bid 25k All auctions are seperate . Cash only. Forum bids only. Ends 48 hours after first bid
  13. So : 1m min bid 100k Auction ends 72 hours after first bid. I accept cash ,CC valued at 380k each, and rare candy valued at 6k each.
  14. Final bump , less than 12 hours left
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