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Everything posted by Evan1011

  1. You've won the auction get in touch when you're online
  2. Bump! Also the deadline is 10:19 Eastern time, about 3 hours
  3. I ended up closing the shop and I'm gonna try again in a few days
  4. So:100k Min bid 10k Ends 24 hours after first bid accept cash and rare candy valued at 7k each
  5. So : 125k Min bid 25k Ends 24 hours after first bid
  6. So 125k Min bid 10k No insta Ends 24 hours after first bid
  7. So basically I setup my pokeshop on forums, on my screen it shows it as I would like it to be , but when people look at my shop they're saying none of the pictures are there and I can't fix it because it shows that they are there on my screen, any help would be appreciated, thank you
  8. I been having trouble with it not showing on other peoples screens but it is showing on mine, I went through and reuploaded the pictures again, it should work now if not it's beyond me at this point
  9. I just noticed those screenshots don't say hidden power , but both magnemite are hp fire.
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