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  1. I'm interested in the pop star pikachu and the witch pikachu, if they are still available ingamename: lilbunnylulu
  2. yes you did! (Sorry, I fell asleep really early last night on accident) I'm free all day today to trade! When would you like to trade?
  3. Less than 3 hours remain. Current highest bid is 1.2m from Danilotischer
  4. starting bid: 500k minimum increase: 50k Bidding will last for 1 week, ending at midnight on Feb 6th, GMT (Feb 5th, 7:00 pm EST)
  5. starting bid: 500k min increase: 50k buyout: 2m auction end time: https://www.tickcounter.com/countdown/3780770/munchlax-4x-31-ivs
  6. I realize the devs are busy making Astrella and all, but I was thinking it would be nice if there was a way to go from sinnoh to the other regions without having to pay $5000. Even something just like a few water routes from Canalave to, say, route 107 by Dewford.
  7. I feel like View uncaught pokemon and View pokes that you don't have evo data for are both very helpful and should be super easy to implement as it is already tracking both these things with the pokeballs and stars.
  8. I pretty much only ever pay attention to help chat, so I cant say anything about any other chats, but for Help Chat there are two rules that I think would be very beneficial. The first is a lift on the ban for links provided they are helpful links. The reason for this is that, sometimes, it makes more sense to link a guide. Currently, to do this we have to DM it to them, which means that anyone else with the same question doesnt get the answer they need. I have had multiple times now that I have offered someone a link to a guide, they said yes so I DM it to them, and then i get other people DMing me asking for the link. The second is regarding unsolicited advice. Help chat currently has a lot of issues with it. All the time I see people ask questions like "how do I evolve [pokemon]?" and people say "make sure not to evolve until 95+". Or when I saw someone ask "Where is good to farm abra?" and someone decided to respond "Why? abra is trash" which is not helpful and derailed the conversation. TY for your time!
  9. I was thinking it would be nice to have the option to limit direct messages from random players. For example, a toggle between "allow DMs"/"Friends Only"/"DMs off". While some people don't mind getting DMs from random players, for some of us it can be extremely anxiety inducing.
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