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Junior Trainer (3/12)



  1. bump
  2. closed
  3. Bump
  4. closed
  5. Not a bundle Start price: 100k each Min bid: 50k Auction end time: 24 hours for each pokemon after 1st bid Accept payments: cc 500k ea, rr 500k each, nrr 250k each, rc 5k each If the auction receives a bid during the last 15 minutes, the ending point is delayed to +15 minutes from that bid, until someone being the c.o. for 15 minutes wins. If u want to bid please type Bagon number 1-3 1 2 3 3
  6. closed
  7. Up by min bid on tedd3 (500k)
  8. Auction ends 11:50 pm (today)
  9. 1hr left
  10. Auction ends 25/02 11;28 AM (around 20h left)
  11. c.o is 2m
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