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Everything posted by Lordleo100

  1. Hey, it was started 25 minutes after I posted the auction, so 14 minutes are still left. ^^
  2. Hi, sorry but the current offer is 3m by Zlaio thus making your bid invalid.
  3. S.O.-2m Minimum Raise-100k Insta-None End Point-48 hours after start(2:57 p.m. GMT, Friday, December 1) Accepted Payments - Cash;IV RR@500k; CC@370k
  4. Start
  5. Hawlucha 1.1m
  6. Start scyther
  7. Riolu & Aron -700k each;Gible-500k;Hawlucha-400k
  8. 250k each except buneary (will transfer if I win)
  9. Hey, to create a hyperlink just put ]Name at the end of the link. Example- www.pro.com]Auction will create a hyperlink with “Auction” as the title Yes, the rule is still valid and is a compulsory one. It’s not upto the auctioneer to implement it or not,so they have to always follow it.
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